February 23, 2025

For students who have not filed their taxes for 2010, April 15 is fast approaching. For single students who have Federal or State income tax taken out of their paychecks and make less than $9,350 per year, they can still file and receive refunds. For married students filing jointly, the minimum is $18,700. Remember to take plenty of time to fill out the necessary forms, double-check for mistakes and speak with parents about who will claim the student as a dependent. Also, several tax credits are available to students who qualify that can be applied to tuition costs. Most information can be found online at http://www.irs.gov.

Blackboard 9 is now available via a free app for smart phones. According to the Blackboard Mobile website via the Blackboard website, The Blackboard Mobile™ Learn platform takes interactive teaching and learning mobile, giving students and educators access to their courses, content and organizations on a variety of devices including iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, and Palm smart phones.” Students will have access to all of their classes as well as features such as Announcements, Grades, Blogs, Discussions, and Tasks.

Students can now access their Meal Plan Transaction Report when they log into InsideCBU. Under the “Life @ CBU” tab under the Campus Life category, students are able to see how many meals they have left for the week as well as view their latest meal plan transactions. Meals renew every Friday of the week. The report is updated three times a day so students can get the latest meal plan information.
