February 23, 2025

College of Allied Health
The College of Allied Health at California Baptist University hosted a campus reception with Riverside’s health care and buisness leaders. There is a growing market for healthcare professionals and CBU President Ronald L. Ellis explained that it was “an opportunity that fits well with CBU’s mission of developing service-oriented graduates.” The campus reception was held to “create community partnerships with the university’s growing program” according to a press release from April 6. Founding dean of the College of Allied Health hopes that this partnership will result in training opportunities such as internships.

College Council of Riverside
The College Council of Riverside (CCOR) has been working to create a fun and college centered atmosphere for the City of Riverside as well as keeping all of the area colleges connected with events and social gatherings. CCOR met with the City Council Community Services & Youth Committee on April 11, to present their ideas and events proposed for the 2011-2012 school year. Chairman of the College Council of Riverside and Riverside City College student, Marquis Palmer said, “We as the members of this council with handwork and dedication will indeed continue to produce great results working with the city and community.” He said, because of this, the meeting with the city council is a “big step.”

Private Donor Scholarships
The deadline for private donor scholarships is drawing near. Private donor scholarships are scholarships for students from private donors through the university. Continuing students, including Traditional, Online & Professional Studies, and Graduate students, are eligible to apply. Applications for donor scholarships can be found in InsideCBU under the Financial Aid Tab. All applications are due by the end of the business day on April 30 to the Financial Aid Office.
