It is the time of the year when students receive emails about when they are scheduled to move onto campus or when commuters have their first event. It is the time when each student empties out mom and dad’s wallet or even their own as they make purchases for the necessities of being a college student.
Whether a student is a commuter or living on campus, there is one thing that both have in common: expenses. Before purchasing an item one thing a person should ask themselves is: Will this sustain for a long period of time or become easily damaged? The following is a list of comparisons between similar items that may help students get their money’s worth.
1.Backpacks vs. Messenger Bags- When it comes to choosing a school bag, it is best to stick with the traditional backpack. This is the best option because the one-sided bag puts a lot of pressure on just one of your shoulders whereas the weight in carrying backpacks is evenly distributed.
2.Bike Locks: U-lock vs. Cable-It is highly recommended that each student who has a bike lock it up. There have been too many cases of bikes being stolen that it is not worth the risk. Between these two items the most durable lock is the U-lock. It is harder for the lock to be cut off as it is made of all metal. Yes, they may sometimes be a hassle to deal with but it is better than having to purchase another bike.
3.The Nook vs. The Kindle- These two E-readers have become a hot item on the market as they both suit fit for those who are always on the go. They allow users to read books and magazines at just the click of a button. The better item among the two is the Barnes and Noble Nook. Though there are many similarities between the two what makes The Nook the winning item are the features it has to connect automatically to wireless internet and stores over 10,000 books, magazines, and newspapers.
4.Mac vs. PC- This is a very common topic when it comes to deciding which item to invest your college career in. This is the item that will be holding a lot of your college memoirs in whether it is essays or pictures. If a student is looking for style, more features, less likely to get viruses on their computer their best bet would be a Mac. Though it may be more expensive it will be worth it in the long run.
These are just a few items that have been matched which may be on a student’s shopping list. Regardless, of the items students may have on their list it is always important to keep in mind the worth over the cost.