February 23, 2025

Students can now bring smart phones, tablets and laptops to chapel due to an unofficial change in the Office of Spiritual Life’s electronics policy.

In the past, students that used electronic devices during chapel were targeted with a laser pointer and later received an e-mail notifying them that they would not receive chapel credit.

Laser pointers are no longer utilized as a means of targeting students.

“As far as technology, it is pretty obvious when students are texting or when they are using their phones to refer to Scripture,” John Montgomery, dean of spiritual life, said, “but this falls under non-disruptive behavior. So, if we think that texting is happening, we may pull someone aside after chapel and gently remind them of the expectations.”

If students are not disruptive but are also not respecting chapel rules, the Office of Spiritual Life will also remind them of chapel expectations.

The use of electronics in chapel is limited to taking notes and following along with Scripture references.

“The intent of the electronics policy is to encourage students to stay focused in the moment,” Montgomery said. “It is so easy to cruise on over to Facebook or text when you have the technology in front of you, even if you are using it to track. Maybe no one else does that, but I know I am tempted.”

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