March 9, 2025

It is election season at California Baptist University and after the first period of voting for representatives, not much is settled.

Associated Students of California Baptist University (ASCBU) has four positions available: a commuter representative and three freshman representatives.

There were initially 11 students campaigning for the three freshman representative spots and one student for the commuter student spot.

Through the initial voting period, all that was settled was that Meredith Oliver is now officially the commuter representative.

To decide the freshman representatives a six-way run off election was deemed necessary.

“Anytime no candidate for a position gets 50% plus one of the vote, the top two vote getters will enter into a run off election,” Candace Bell, ASCBU vice president for communication, said.

Bell is in charge of all marketing and promotional items stemming from ASCBU, and she also manages all campus elections involving ASCBU.

Since no candidates received the required number of votes in the initial election, a run off will be held for three positions that includes six candidates.

The six candidates that remain for the three freshman positions are: Logan Cross, Taylor Engbrecht, Katie Hagberg, Christian Hassler, Meghan Ostrosky and Nicole Smith.

“The three candidates receiving the most votes in the run off election will be elected to the open positions,” Bell said. Voting opened at four o’clock Monday afternoon and closes at 11pm Wednesday.

“We are hoping to have the results ready sometime Thursday morning,” Bell said. “Freshman can check the glass case outside of the Alumni Dining Commons for the polling results.”

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