February 22, 2025

What does a librarian, an unsinkable ship and a Jedi knight have in common? If you guessed their existence in the third dimension, you would be right.

This year will be flooded with movies released in 3-D: some for the first time, and others re-released for special 3-D showings.

A Disney classic love story, “Beauty and the Beast” will be one of the first re-releases to grace the big screen in 2012, with several other Disney classics to follow.

In the last quarter of 2011, Disney started their campaign of 3-D re-releases with “The Lion King,” and will continue with 3-D release dates for “Finding Nemo,” “Monsters Inc.” and “The Little Mermaid.” All will come out this year. With so many movies in the Disney vault, only time will reveal which other movies will make it back to theaters.

But, singing princesses are not the only ones hitting the big screen in the third dimension this year.

Yoda, Darth Vader and the rest of the Star Wars gang will start their 3-D debut in 2012, as well. “Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace” will kick-off the saga this year and continue in one-year increments until the final episode, “Return of the Jedi,” in 2017.

According to several interviews, George Lucas stated that the re-releases will contain updated effects, visuals and scenes that were not in the originals, which will leave some audiences indifferent, impressed or in a mad-rage crying over the remains of their childhood.

Icebergs will also have their time to shine as everyone’s favorite three-hour movie, “Titanic,” makes its way back to theaters. Its current release date is set in early April.

Boats, princesses and science-fiction fantasies are only a few titles in a sea of movies that will be out in 3-D this year.

Some other releases this year include, “Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax,” “Men in Black III,” “Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted,” “The Amazing Spider Man,” “The Dark Knight Rises” and “The Hobbit” to name a few.

Many more movies are sure to sneak their way into this year as 3-D titles. Whether as a cool gimmick or executed well, one thing is certain, 3-D movies are definitely in.

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