February 23, 2025

The Associated Students of California Baptist University office has a mission to care for students with quality service. The mission is demonstrated through campus events, services and daily “Tweet-aways.”

ASCBU uses Twitter as their primary advertising outlet to let students know of campus events.In order to attract more students to follow, they “tweet-away” prizes to followers each day.

Students Representatives of ASCBU tweet a question to their followers and a prize is issued to the first CBU student that goes to the ASCBU office and correctly answers the question.

“I just won movie tickets from ASCBU for following their tweets and as a result of that I won awesome prizes!” freshman Nicole Smith, via Twitter, said.

Prizes awarded may include gift cards to Target, Starbucks, The Daily Brew, movie tickets, gift bags and even gifts from the CBU bookstore.

Students interested in participating in the “Tweet-aways” are encouraged to follow ASCBU on Twitter by searching for their handle, @ASCBU.

Adam Shirer, a sophomore at CBU won a prize.

“I think the Tweet-aways are awesome, especially the ones where you have to answer something about the school. I won movie tickets and a Target gift card,” Shirer said.

Among the events currently being organized by ASCBU is the Homecoming Bonfire Night, where they will be sponsoring a raffle, giveaways and announcing the homecoming queen and king. “Minute to Win It” games will be played as a part of the festivities for the night. Like the popular game show, contestants will have one minute to complete seemingly easy obstacles or tasks before the minute is up. Game winners can win gift cards or an iPod. Raffle winners will have a chance to win awesome prizes such as iPads, Xbox Kinect and more.

Aside from doing “Tweet-aways” and organizing campus events, ASCBU is also working on starting an on-campus bike-share program.

Free of charge, bikes may be used around campus from one bike rack location to another, allowing students the ease of getting across campus easier and faster. This program is a proposal that is currently awaiting approval from the administration.

ASCBU will also be giving away 100 ticket vouchers to each spring theatre performance. They will give away tickets to “Androcles the Lion” to undergraduate students that attend their ASCBU Executive Council speech night on Feb. 21.

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