February 23, 2025

Christians: a special people, a royal priesthood, children of God meant to proclaim the name of the One who called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. That’s what 1 Peter 2:9 tells us, at least.

How many of us “Christians” live that out?

California Baptist University is well-rooted in the Great Commission, calling those who believe into action, where Christ tells us to go out and make disciples of all nations. Though many students are well equipped to do so, what about those who aren’t?

The recent “CBFlu” isn’t the only thing afflicting students, but it seems something far worse is in the air: an epidemic of apathy and lack of zeal for God.

It’s far too easy to let CBU’s feel wash over us. We think chapel is our weekly church service, grabbing lunch at the cafeteria with friends is our time of fellowship and prayers being spoken by professors before or after class is our time with God.

If it’s clear to see that many students here lack a zeal for God, how much more apparent is it to those who don’t believe and to the rest of the outside world?

Our actions speak louder than words, so it doesn’t matter how much one says they love God if they never read their Bible, never fellowship or call themselves Christians, but the way they go about their lives is as if they left God back in their rooms.

How can people be ministered to if they see that the Christian in front of them is clearly living a contradictory life, whether that contradiction be radical or subtle?

For those who have accepted Christ into their hearts and lives, they’re called to a higher standard that they’ve chosen for themselves.

This means living each day for Him, and as 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, doing all for the glory of God, whether we eat, drink or whatever we do.

Change is necessary; not the kind of change presidents talk about or secular artist claim they desire, but the kind that starts in the heart, soul and mind.

In Romans 12:1-2, Paul tells the Romans to present themselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God, so they wouldn’t be conformed to the world, but transformed by the Word.

Obviously, we’re not Romans’ intended audience, but we can still take much from it today. We should be living a life that, through the transformation the Word of God brings, glorifies Him publicly and privately at all times.

It’s a simple concept. How can the world know we are Christians if our lifestyles don’t show it?

Christ didn’t let His words speak for themselves, but His actions did as well. He said He was the Son of God, the Great I Am, and followed through, raising the dead, healing the sick and conquering death.

This isn’t to say good deeds and acting good and moral will save us. Ultimately, it’s our acceptance of Christ into our hearts and lives that gives us salvation. Living a godly life is another means to show the world we are more than Jesus fans, but followers. As followers, He has expectations for us.

The things we say and don’t say, the jokes we crack and laugh at, the way we dress and see others, how we tackle our work and how we treat those we work with are some of the many things that need serious transformation on campus.

It’s about living a life that shows that we as Christians desire to be the light and salt of the world, delighting in following and keeping His word.

If we are to be like Christ, why aren’t our actions a declaration to the world that we follow Jesus? Why is it that, even at a Baptist university, it seems like God comes second to most students?

Christian, it’s time to wake up.

God doesn’t promise us a tomorrow. Knowing that, we should take every moment He has blessed us with and make sure we glorify Him through it.

That doesn’t mean our lives are to be dry, boring and deprived of anything lively. It means we have responsibility that needs the utmost attention.

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