January 21, 2025
Sarah Jane O'Keefe --   Cristin massey, senior public relations major, is the president of CBU’s PRSSA Chapter.
Sarah Jane O’Keefe — Cristin massey, senior public relations major, is the president of CBU’s PRSSA Chapter.

California Baptist University’s nationally recognized chapter, of Public Relations Student Society of America is working toward increasing membership in order to start its very own public relations firm on campus.

PRSSA is a professional organization that strives to educate and groom future professionals in public relations. The campus chapter is in its fourth year running and is undergoing many renovations to start off the 2012- 2013 academic year.

The chapter’s executive board has expanded and added two brand- new positions, vice president of communications and historian. These two positions are crucial in creating a lasting legacy for the chapter to allow it to mature.

“Long-term plans would be to get enough growth and momentum to start a student-run firm on campus to give experience in an educational setting for any student that is interested is public relations and communications,” said Sandra J. Romo, lecturer of public relations and journalism.

The executive board is currently working on a proposal to submit to Public Relations Society of America, the parent association that regulates and runs all national chapters, to approve plans for the project. However, it is still just a goal, the first order of business if recruiting new members.

Recruiting new associates is crucial to any new company, and PRSSA is no different. In order to properly function, there must be an adequate amount of members to run a complete public relations agency. Although, if approved, the student-run firm will be pro-bono and will only accept donations.

Not only will a student-run firm benefit the credentials of CBU’s PRSSA chapter, but it will be a tremendous opportunity for hundreds of business, communications, marketing and journalism students looking to diversify their education and gain real-life work experience.

Romo, chapter adviser, explains her thoughts on membership and what someone can gain from being part of the chapter.

“PRSSA provides you with a wealth of experience and opportunity that are not available without membership to communication students,” Romo said.

Vice President Caitlyn Fairfax, senior communications major, said, “For years, it has been a dream to get a student-run firm on campus and in the department. As the new vice president, I am looking forward to being part of a team that is really going to pave the way to make it happen. Our first agenda is growth, and then we will tackle getting a student-run firm on campus.”

With the approval of the new master’s degree in public relations, CBU PRSSA has an opportunity to reach out and involve the MAPR students in the chapter. Romo said she hopes to see graduate students get involved with the chapter as much as possible.

PRSSA provides ample amounts of networking opportunities and internships not otherwise available to students.

New members are currently being accepted, and a new member meeting will be held Oct. 3 in James 373 for those interested in more information or in becoming a member. The chapter’s website provides more information on the world of public relations and the chapter’s goals and accomplishments.

For more information on how to get involved with the chapter, visit cbuprssa.org and get connected with social media at
facebook.com/CalBaptistPRSSA and twitter.com/PRSSACBU.

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