January 21, 2025

With the new academic year, California Baptist University’s Career Services Center is in the process of launching a series of seminars and events to equip students with the skills and knowledge to land internships and excel in interviews.

Whether it be a job or internship, the career services office works with students to help them become more desirable for future employers.

“The Career Services Center offers pragmatic ba- sics of interview skills workshops, mock interviews with the center and with professionals in the field, making network connections, personal questions with professionals on how to succeed and discipline specific events,” said Kushi Jones, director of the Career Services Center.

The office tries to reach out to all areas of study at CBU by hosting specific events for disciplines, such as accounting, business and communications.

Events offer ample opportunities ranging from interview skills, internships, professional connections and a focused career path.

Jones said that the career services office focuses on each student’s talents and gifts, and how to utilize them so they can serve and build a successful career and life.

“My long-term goal would be to touch every major, collaborating with each department chair to provide ample opportunities for the students,” Jones said. “We are here for one reason — to equip you, the student, with the skills to serve.”

One of the events the career services office holds for students is the internship workshop.

“The internship workshops themselves are available to help students walk through how to find an internship, what are the strategies behind it, and that there are great opportunities,” said Liz Jorden, internship coordinator.

“Students should be looking at an internship experience to add value to their degree, something relevant to put on their resume and to make them more desirable for employment.”

Jorden said that the importance of gaining valuable experience in college through internships makes students not only more desirable but also competitive among other applicants in the working world.

“According to statistics, students are 65 percent more likely to get a job relating to their degree after college if they have had an internship than those who have not,” Jorden said of the importance of completing an internship in college.

Career services has a list of different events that cater to specific majors and internship opportunities.
Visit http://www.calbaptist.edu/career-events.aspx for more information.

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