March 13, 2025

Looking for insight on how to break into the highly competitive world of show business and sales? Want to gain an edge and get some new tricks for success? ‘All The Right Moves’ is an event that might be the insider’s perspective students interested in the entertainment industry have been looking for.

This workshop will take a Fortune 500 approach to teaching students how to gain that special something that will help them dominate the art of show business and sales.

Attendees can expect to gain real-life skills, improve communication and master the art of persuasion. ‘All The Right Moves’ will educate students on some big topics such as dealing with gatekeepers, identifying the real decision-makers, finding methods for effective preparation for meetings and auditions and managing expectations.

A few of the interactive sessions that will be a part of this one-day development workshop are: The Eight Principles of Selling: The Tools of the Trade, That’s Why They Call it Show “Biz” and The Actor as an Independent Contractor — Birth of a Salesman.

Creator of ‘All The Right Moves’ and founder of Out of Pocket Films, Patrick Stack has been in the industry since the mid-1980s and has been a mover-and-shaker ever since. Stack has created and produced films and web-based series, written for TV, developed and sold pilots and is currently working on several projects within the entertainment industry.

‘All The Right Moves’ will be held Saturday, March 23 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In BUS124 in the Business Building.

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