By James Hurlburt
Staff Writer
Batman, a beloved American icon, has been depicted in drastically different lights over the years by very distinct actors.
California Baptist University students discussed which portrayals of the caped crusader have left a lasting impression, and how they compare to the students’ image of the hero.
“When I think of Batman, I picture how rich he is and his pointy ears on his
costume,” said Ashley Lopez, sophomore graphic design
For Michael Cardona, junior accounting major, Batman left a more serious impression of the super-hero.
“I picture a hero who doesn’t want to be a hero; he just wants justice,” said Cardona. “He doesn’t need to be the good guy. He just wants to protect people.”
Aside from being the most recent, it is clear that Christian Bale’s Batman is compelling because of Bale’s mystery.
The “Dark Knight” is captivating because, though shaped by similar circumstances, the hero remains the Joker’s polar opposite, Cardona said.
“I think the ‘Dark Knight’ version of Batman is a more fitting role for the
character,” Lopez said. “He just comes across as a more ‘within the shadows’ type of guy and I find that more interesting.”
Other CBU students hold much respect and adoration for the classic comic book-style Batman.
“Batman: The Animated Series’ is where I first saw Batman,” said Tim Decious, junior engineering major.
For Decious, the voice of Batman is critical to the hero’s persona, and he applauds actors for voicing
the hero.
“Many other portrayals fail at giving Batman a good voice,” Decious said.
With Batman’s newest silver-screen reboot on the horizon, the icon will continue to evolve, taking form in a new way for fans and critics alike.