March 31, 2025

By JoAnna Andrews | Copy Editor

Mumford & Sons played their final tour date in support of their album “Babel” this fall, marking the start of an indefinite hiatus for the four-member group.

The band has released two full-length albums since their inception in 2007—”Sigh No More” in 2009 and “Babel” in 2012.

Their newly announced hiatus was made public only a few days before the end of the “Babel” world tour, which began in fall 2012 and ended Sept. 20.

“There won’t be any Mumford & Sons activities for the foreseeable future following (the September 20) show,” keyboardist Ben Lovett told Rolling Stone Magazine late September.

“We just know we’re going to take a considerable amount of time off and just go back to hanging out and having no commitments or pressure or anything like that,” Lovett said.

Kara DeParsia, senior visual arts major, said she was very disappointed to hear the news.

“When I found out that Mumford & Sons was going on hiatus, it made me sad because they have made a huge impact in music in the past few years,” DeParsia said. “Their music brings me joy.”

Still, it is not too much of a surprise that the band is taking a break, given the rigor of their tour schedules and the health of member Ted Dwane, who underwent emergency surgery for a blood clot in his brain earlier this year.

“One can only hope and dream that they’ll come back together,” said Kandice Johnston, sophomore film studies major. “I’ve tried to fill the void with other music, but there really isn’t enough folk music to fill in for Mumford.”

Fans can look forward to the band coming back for future music, however, when that will be is still unknown.

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