March 13, 2025

California Baptist University’s Department of Public Safety released the Annual Report of Campus Security Policies and Crime Statistics for 2013.

Every year, the Federal Higher Education Act requires CBU to provide a safety and security report on campus crime statistics in the CBU community. The 2013 report was released Sept. 23.

According to the report, there were no arrests made on CBU’s main campus in 2013, and no sexual offenses or assaults were reported.

The report showed a total of 39 on-campus violations, including disciplinary action for 13 drug law violations and 15 liquor law violations, and reports of criminal offenses for one robbery, six burglaries and four motor vehicle thefts.

The report reflects the efforts of CBU’s Public Safety system through the low numbers of offenses, arrests and disciplinary actions related to CBU.

Leon Phillips, assistant director of Public Safety, said it is a partnership between students and Public Safety officers that makes the low crime rate possible.

“Our people stay in touch with what people are doing, and they pay attention,” Phillips said.

The officers address a wide range of problems from parking citations to strangers on campus.

“I’ve called Public Safety late at night before when I didn’t feel comfortable walking alone,” said Gabrielle Ward, sophomore nutrition science major. “On call around-the-clock, Public Safety is always available.”

As the CBU campus grows, Public Safety works to help maintain a safe environment.

As small as the crime rates are on campus, Phillips said it is still imperative that people keep an eye on their belongings and stay aware of surroundings.

“We would assert to everybody that they need to be more attentive,” Phillips said.

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