February 23, 2025

Iona Brannon | Banner From left: Brandon Chow, senior international studies major, Kendall McFarland, senior nursing major, YuMin Park, junior graphic design major, Kenedie Gayle, sophomore film studies major, Preston Magalhaes, sophomore anthropology major. and Hannah Sturgis, sophomore early childhood studies major, enjoy Tea Time at the International Center.

Every Friday at 3:30 p.m. the International Center hosts an event called “Tea Time” to encourage relationships between international and domestic students. It can be a time to help international students practice English, as well as understand American culture.

“Tea Time is a designated time and space set aside for international and domestic students to interact in a comfortable environment,” said Joseph Gemignani, graduate assistant for the International Center. “We want our international students to have a safe place to meet students on campus who likewise want to meet other new students.”

Tea Time is led by Preston Magalhaes, sophomore anthropology major and connections intern for the International Center. Magalhaes coordinates everything from icebreaker games and activities at Tea Time to the monthly cultural dinners highlighting the cuisine of different countries.

YuMin Park, junior graphic design major, is an international student from South Korea and regular attendee of Tea Time in Lancer Arms.

Park said he enjoys getting to meet other international students at Tea Time and talking about their experiences.

“I like it because (the International Center) is always open,” Park said. “I love tea.”

Tea Time can give students the opportunity to branch out of their social circles, as well as try different types of tea including Rwandan and Chinese tea.

Kendall McFarland, junior nursing major, said she does not usually like tea but participates for the community aspect.

“I still don’t like tea, but I like the people,” McFarland said. “I’ll suffer through the tea for them.”

The students played different name games during their time on Sept. 18 to learn one another’s names and get comfortable.

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