In order to connect students with event news and announcements, many departments and sports on campus have recently joined the social media movement, including the marketing department, the Recreation Center and the School of Behavioral Sciences.
Platforms such as Twitter and Instagram can provide updates more quickly than email and Facebook and have the ability to establish a better connection with followers, because interaction is more personal.
“Social media has definitely allowed us to address our target market,” said Dominick Copas, marketing intern at the Recreation Center. “And, coincidentally, the age group that uses it the most.”
In the athletics department, sports such as wrestling, cheer and women’s soccer excel in delivering content to a growing number of fans and followers.
“Our goal (with social media) is to give our team the recognition that they deserve considering the massive amounts of time they put in to be the best student-athlete possible,” said Andrew Nicola, assistant wrestling coach.
The CBU wrestling Instagram page currently boasts more than 17,600 followers consisting of students, parents and fans of the program. It also serves as a connection between the program and potential high-profile recruits so they can see the behind-the-scenes look at how it operates.
“Social media has, without a doubt, had a direct influence on the increase in attendance at home meets, summer camps and overall interest and involvement in our program,” Nicola said. “We want our followers to feel like they are involved with our team and in the know of what is happening with our guys.”