March 6, 2025

Morgan Kelly | Banner Akeem Bentick, freshman Christian behavioral science major, talks to Dr. Nathan Lewis, professor of psychology and director of the graduate program in counseling ministry, about possible internship and job opportunities.

Students at California Baptist University had the chance to learn about internships, future job opportunities and careers with and without graduate degrees Feb. 3 at the Options and Opportunities open house.

Behavioral science professors provided the information needed for students to start strategically planning their futures for the next years.

Morgan Teruel, career counselor for the Career Center, and other Career Center staff members were at the event to offer their help to students. Teruel said she enjoyed seeing the unity created by this event.

“This event is important because we see the cohesiveness of the program really come together for the School of Behavioral Sciences,” Teruel said.
“I observe a lot of faculty and staff interaction with students and I think that gives them more confidence and more of a sense of belonging and increases the approachability of the
professors and faculty so students know, ‘Hey, I can ask a question or get help figuring this out.’”

Dr. Joseph Pelletier, assistant psychology professor and co-director of search, was there
to answer questions behavioral science students may have.

“There’s a lot of options and a lot of students, even when they’re about to graduate, don’t realize how many they have before them,” Pelletier said.

“We like to give them an idea of where they might go for graduate school, what they might do afterwards and help them through that process.”

Grace Cantino, senior sociology major, was an attendee of this event and said she found it to be valuable.

“I’ve gained a lot of information on internships, job opportunities and learned what forensic psychology is and what you do with that,” Cantino said.

Joseph Gonzalez, sophomore Christian studies and Christian behavioral science double major, said he hopes to go into counseling or social work in his future.

“Dr. Stokes gave me the idea of what I can do with the Christian behavioral science major,” Gonzalez said. “People who care about the students are helping them succeed in what they’re doing.”

Dr. Veola Vazquez, associate dean for undergraduate behavioral sciences, was at the event in order to connect with various students.

Veola also was there to answer any questions they may have about behavioral sciences and future opportunities.

“We are wanting to find a way for students to connect with their professors and see us outside the classroom and get to know us a little bit better but also be able to ask questions that maybe they do not have the opportunity to ask when we are in the middle of class and have to focus on a particular topic,” Vazquez said.

Vazquez extended her advice to students currently attending CBU.

“Seek God first, keep an eye on what he wants, give your best and pursue excellence in whatever you choose  to follow,” she said.

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