Monique Koszty | Banner Kayla Ruiz (left), sophomore accounting major, explains a bit about the Mario Kart Klub to Sarah Murguia, senior health studies major, during the Club Fair Feb. 5 in Stamps Courtyard. For students who used to play Mario Kart as children, the Mario Kart Klub may be a way to relive childhood memories.
New clubs provide novel opportunities for students
With more than 60 clubs from which to choose, students at California Baptist University can find a club to fit their extracurricular and social needs.
Clubs range from educational, such as the Biology and Math clubs, to more entertaining clubs for socializing purposes.
The Creative Writing Club, National Student Speech Language Hearing Association Club and Leadership Club all aid in academic fields of interest.
Jessica Devine, sophomore chemistry major and member of the Creative Writing Club, said they are more than just a club for educational purposes and anyone, regardless of major, can join.
Devine said the club will offer writing critiques and workshops to help students with their writing, as well as a social place where there will be games and activities.
“Writing is fun,” Devine said. “Let your creative spirits flow.”
Krissy Kendrick, communication disorders major and member of the National Student Speech Hearing Language Association Club, said the club is geared more toward students in the communication disorders major and is now in its third year of running at CBU.
The club will give students the experience and volunteer work they need, as well as connect the students in the major.
“We do a lot of volunteering opportunities and a lot of socials because our major is pretty small so we try to get people to know each other,” Kendrick said. “It’s really good for students’ applications when they’re applying to graduate schools because it’s really competitive if you want to be a speech therapist.”
Jacqueline Allgier, junior business administration major and member of the Leadership Club, welcomes anyone to join the club because she said leadership is universally applicable.
Allgier said the club includes speakers that come and give presentations on how to apply leadership in a student’s life.
This semester new clubs have been added, including the Mario Kart Klub, BOS (Board or Ski) and Star Wars clubs.
Kayla Ruiz, sophomore accounting major and member of the Mario Kart Klub, said she thinks students should join as a way to break away from their academics and be able to have fun and meet new people, all while playing Mario Kart.
Ruiz mentioned they plan to do a joint event with the International Justice Mission Club, where a life-size Mario Kart race will take place as a fundraiser, with proceeds going to IJM at the end of the semester.
Vivi Diaz, junior Spanish and Christian studies double major and member of the BOS Club, explained why they created this club this semester.
“We noticed that there’s a ton of people that love to board or ski, or haven’t and would love to, so part of the club is to get a group of people to go and make it easy for them,” Diaz said.
The Star Wars Club has also just been added this semester as a way to build a community around Star Wars.
“We have events coming up, including the Star Wars Trivia Day and a ‘May the 4th’ end-of-year party,” said Katelyn Crombie, graphic design and political science double major.
Students do not have to be mega-fans to join.
“We are a really fun casual group,” Crombie said. “We love to talk about Star Wars, but you don’t have to know anything about Star Wars to join. We’re just trying to have a lot of fun and let people know what Star Wars is about and to build a community around that.”
Students also have the opportunity to create a club at any time throughout the semester.
To find out more information, visit the Community Life page on InsideCBU and contact Kristin Waters, director of Campus Activities, to fill out a club application.