This is Randy Plavajka here is his photo of him right here
When learning a new skill or craft, the two most important things one can do in order to absorb all knowledge possible is be humble and patient.
Achieving mastery of any field of study takes several months and years of hard work, and even upon graduation, the learning process is not over. To think you “know it all” at any point in life is absolutely ridiculous.
In school, and life, there is no need to showboat and one-up peers as if it were your life’s mission to belittle the accomplishments of others. Nobody cares how many big names you can drop, the grades you have made or how well you did on a test.
This situation occurs more often than not with someone who overestimates his or her own worth and lets his or her ego run his or her mouth instead of his or her still-developing brain.
Being a know-it-all is not gnarly and rather unprofessional, especially in a collegiate environment. There needs to be a line drawn between humility and self-praise, so the latter does not progress into becoming sinful pride.
Students are devoted to the learning process and by no means are we experts, otherwise they would be the one collecting a salary and teaching five courses on top of preparing research for publication.
At the same time, being a student should not be discouraging. It is a privilege to be cherished and not used as an excuse. The point of owning the title is you are developing to become the best version of yourself, regardless of age, year, major or other outside factor.
It is absolutely OK to be mediocre and embrace the process of becoming great and talented. That is the whole point of life — to constantly grow and mature in mind, body and spirit.
It is not advisable, however, to overestimate your abilities and dig a figurative hole that is too deep to climb out of when it is time to put up or shut up.
There is a time to be overconfident and a time to be realistic. Playing video games with your roommates is prime time for gloating and bragging, but when it comes time to planning for the future, a strong grasp of ability and reality is crucial.
Be a student eager to learn, rather than a know-it-all eager to boast despite a lack of ability.