Clubs provide a way for students to practice leadership, be involved on campus and be a part of a community. According to the California Baptist University website, there are more than 50 clubs on campus for students to join, and all of them are student-led and staff-approved.
The ultimate goal of these clubs is for students to pursue interests with people who are interested in the same thing to form relationships. First-semester freshmen are all encouraged to join a club or organization on campus during their FOCUS class because they give students a way to stay plugged in on campus.
Luke Meeter, senior anthropology major, serves as the vice president for the Anthropology Club.
He joined one year ago as a member, but moved up to a leadership role assisting the
president and planning meetings or events.
“I originally joined the club because I wanted to be more involved in school events, especially since it was related to my major,” Meeter said.
“It also was a way to get to know fellow students in my field of study better.”
Abigail Campbell, junior leadership studies and anthropology double major, serves as the president of the Anthropology Club. She initially joined to get to know people in her major, and she sees it as an opportunity to create collaboration.
“The purpose of a club is to unite people that have the same interests, which provides a cool opportunity for people to share thoughts and ideas with each other,” Campbell said. “I hope that people who are interested are able to make friends in the club, have a greater appreciation for culture and are challenged in their faith.”
Because clubs are student-led, the opportunity to start one’s own club just takes an idea, a passion and an application.
Although it comes with rewards, there are hurdles to jump along the way.
“The hardest part of starting or running a club is finding something that club members will enjoy,” Meeter said.
“You never know how they will react, however, when the members do show a strong interest in a topic, then that is the best. That in itself can be the biggest payoff.”
Club information can be found on InsideCBU under the Life @ CBU tab.