January 21, 2025

Matthew “Matty” Hickman, 2016 California Baptist University alumus, was killed in an accident March 5 on Interstate 5 while returning from the CIF State Wrestling Championship in Bakersfield.

According to Officer Josh Greengard, public information officer for the California Highway Patrol’s Newhall Station, Hickman was involved in a solo accident while driving southbound about 4:50 a.m.

Officers believe Hickman then got out of his car and attempted to run across lanes on the northbound side of the freeway when he was struck by a car. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Hickman is survived by his father, Matt Hickman Sr., his mother Louisa, and two sisters. He was well-known as one of the best wrestlers to come out of the Camarillo County.

Many friends, teammates and family members have taken to Facebook to talk about how much Hickman impacted their lives.

“When Matt was being recruited to CBU, he was completely against religion and asked coach if he could not go to chapel, but God worked in his heart in his time here,” said Brian Zunigha, director of Discipleship Ministries. “He met with a spiritual advisor more and more and three weeks ago, he said, ‘I thought I was coming to CBU for wrestling, but God brought me here for another reason.’”

A GoFundMe account was created for Hickman’s funeral by Christina Mcmann-Gonzalez. In under 24 hours, the site raised over $24,445. To donate to the fund, visit www. gofundme.com/mattyhickmansfuneralcampaign.

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