Many of us at California Baptist University were raised with some kind of Christian upbringing. We were taught to love Christ and love others. As we grow older, we learn more about who Christ is and what embodying his love looks like.
However, there are also several students on this campus who do not know Christ personally and learn who Christ is for the first time through Christians on campus.
Sometimes it’s easier to surround ourselves with others like us–those who have the same views, tastes and lifestyles. The moment some Christians step out of their perfect bubble and seek to disciple others, heads start inflating.
As Christians, we are called to share Christ’s unconditional love and disciple others.
Many times, Christians believe they are doing the “Christ-like” thing by “pouring into” others and telling them how to appropriately live their lives. Deep inside, the person’s intentions may be pure, but really all the other person hears is complete and utter judgment.
Shoving the Bible down people’s throat will only make them push back and become
Reminding them of how ungodly they are is not the right way to hold others accountable. Allowing others to feel comfortable enough to share their struggles with you is the place to start. When you come from a place of love, a person will see Christ and you will be able to guide with the Word.
It is also important to remember we should not be a disciple to others as a means of making ourselves feel “holier than thou.” Some of us may be further along in our walks with Christ, but we all have so much more to learn. We are not as wise as we think we are. We need to be willing to be discipled ourselves.
Everyone has his or her personal struggles, even those who make themselves seem like they are borderline sinless. Let’s not pretend we have it all together and turn around, give in to our own sin and then turn back around and reprimand others about their sinful ways. Being “intentional” with your relationships by judging others isn’t very
The amount of hypocrisy that occurs in the Christian community is disappointing; We need to be the difference. Show others the ways of Christ in a way that is true and pure. Show love without judgment. Don’t be the Christian that turns others away from Christianity.