January 21, 2025

The hit animated TV show “Rick and Morty” released its third season April 1 and has recently trended on Twitter and other social media sites.

This science fiction comedy follows 14-year-old Morty on his thought-provoking adventures with his grandfather, Rick, through various dimensions.

The show was created by Dan Harmon, creator and producer of NBC’s “Community,” and Justin Roiland, writer, animator and actor.

Twitter, Reddit and other social platforms have recently been inundated by memes dedicated to the cartoon more than usual due to the release of the third season. Memes such as Strong Morty, Pickle Rick and Mr. Meeseeks have maintained popularity since the release of their respective originating episodes.

This event started on twitter, “Rick and Morty” may have come to a level of realism even the creators did not expect to reach fruition.

Rick and Morty’s adventures consist of intergalactic travel as well as various happenings on earth. Episodes feature realistic life situations   yet they maintain a generally humorous tone.

Phoebe Ligeralde, senior civil engineering major, said she is a fan of “Rick and Morty.”

“This cartoon not only contains these hard topics, but embraces them,” Ligeralde said. “I love the realness of the show and how they make these difficult topics easier to swallow while still highlighting injustices in a very real way.”

The cartoon also discusses such philosophic ideas as nihilism, believing life is meaningless, as well as existentialism, which emphasizes individual experience and existence.

Despite the fact that Rick’s  burping turns many off to the show initially, Anthony Ursua, senior biology and instrumental performance double major, has watched a few episodes.

“The show has witty humor, geeky science jokes, and also occasional adult humor, all of which I can appreciate and laugh at,” Ursua said. “Compared to other shows that I view similarly, I enjoyed this show much more than I expected.”

Each week the pair finds an adventure wrapped in irony and entropy to present to their many fans.

“This show normalizes philosophical topics for average people. Its characters go through a constant existential crisis, but that is the reason I love it,” Ligeralde said.

One can watch “Rick and Morty” most Friday’s at 10 p.m. on Adult Swim or Adult Swim’s website.

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