February 23, 2025

Senate Bill 1343: Sexual Harassment Training

This law, enacted Jan. 1, states that by Jan. 2, 2020, all employers must provide sexual harassment training to all employees. The training must be completed within six months of being hired and employees must be retrained once every two years.

Senate Bill 10: California Gets Rid of Cash Bail Option

Come October of 2019, California will be the first state to eliminate the cash bail option for suspects waiting for trial.

Assembly Bill 2034: Human Trafficking Training

By Jan. 1, 2021, employers who run intercity passenger rails, light rails or bus stations must provide proof of at least 20 minutes of human trafficking awareness training for all employees who are likely to interact with human- trafficking victims.

Senate Bill 1100: Gun Restrictions

A reform to a previous bill, this law moves the legal age of buying or transferring firearms from 18 to 21 in California, beginning Jan. 1.

For more information visit: https://leginfo.legislature. ca.gov

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