After the presidential inauguration in January 2017, nearly 500,000 people marched in Washington, D.C., and in many other cities around the world. Two years have passed and Americans are still marching.
The Women’s March is a social movement of intersectional feminism, which includes people from all marginalized groups. Those who are a part of the movement are fighting for quality for not just women, but all people groups who have been marginalized.
Thousands of people form different backgrounds, races, cultures, religions and ethnities flooded the streets of Los Angeles jan. 19 to march in solidarity to City Hall.
Organized peaceful protesters turned out to voice their dissatisfaction on subjects such as the Equal Rights Amendment, Violence Against Women Act, immigration, LGBTQ+ rights, universal healthcare, reproductive rights and more.
Many opinions have surfaced in the past years since the first march in 2017. many have posed the question: “What’s the point?” Protesters have been told: “Women already have equality” and “all these marches do is close roads and interrupt daily life.”
The Civil Rights Movement took place during the ’50s and ’60s and while large strides have been made against racism and sexism, America still has a lot of work to do.
Each generation brings a new resurgence of passion for equal rights. As older generations become tired, burnt out and discouraged because of the lack of change, younger generations appear with a new hope for change. The fight for equal rights does not move in quick strides, but inch by inch.
In response to those comments and questions, one would only need to take a look at social media. Since President Donald J. Trump’s appearance on the political scene, society’s dialogue has shifted.
With greater visibility for daily events afforded by social media, people around the world are now privy to incidents of violence and dysfunction that were previously happening under the radar in America.
The Women’s March movement has disrupted the passive behavior of allowing injustices to pass as casual. With sub-movements, such as #MeToo, #TimesUp, Black Lives matter and more, the Women’s March is reaching toward a county with true equality.
We do not want to make America great again, we want to make America better. not everyone is a politician, but everyone’s voice deserves to be heard.
We have to change people’s minds before they head to the polls and vote laws into action. I march for progress because I refuse to be content with a tolerant culture.