Community Life works behind the scenes for many CBU events.
California Baptist University is a campus filled with tons of amazing events, ranging from TWIRP week, when the woman is required to pay, to Lancer takeover, when CBU students take over Castle Park and spend a fun day in the park. But what goes into the planning and execution of these events?
Hannah Lee, sophomore film major, works with ASCBU as a residential representative on the Campus Improvements Committee. She explained what her job entails.
“I also work with Rez Life and help fund staff events and projects, and I also work with facilities and take student inquiries and help improve things on campus,” Lee said. “So when you see a water bottle refill station or a new bike rack, that’s us.”
Nathan Moretti, senior mathematics major, is a Community Life intern. In a normal week, he works in the Community Life Lounge four four hours selling tickets for events and playing music. He also meets with event partners to send emails, brainstorm ideas and make timelines.
Even when an event finally rolls around, Community Life’s work is not done.
“I arrive at the location of the event hours before to make sure all of our teams understand their assignments,” Moretti said. “We set up equipment where it needs to be and fix any problems. During my events, I roam to all of our team in their various positions to see if they need anything to make their task more efficient. I am communicating with any other offices we are working with to see if I can help them with anything.
“After the event comes clean up and debrief with the team to discuss how it went. In the weeks after, we have to complete write-ups for future interns to see how to make these events better.”
Cooper Strull, senior business administration major, is a Community Life intern. He said that in the weeks leading up to an event, interns must coordinate with various groups and departments involved in the event to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
“When we are planning an event, we are meeting with our team a few times a week to go through every detail, work with our vendors and make everyone’s schedule for the day of,” Strull said. “If we aren’t the intern leading the event, we are tasked with setup and tear down.
A lot of work goes into every event held on CBU’s campus, one of the biggest, and most well-known being WooFest. WooFest takes place on April 6 and hosts student acts of all types. It is an opportunity for the guys to “woo” the girls.
“One thing I am excited for (about WooFest) is the change in location,” Strull said. “By moving the event from the Fox Theater to the Events Center, we will be able to fit a lot more students.”
Strull encourages all students to attend WooFest and other events.
“I’m a senior and some of my favorite memories have come from WooFest,” Strull said. “If you’re on the edge, just go. This goes for all events. Don’t feel scared to go to things alone. You won’t be the only one and it’s easy to meet new people.”