February 22, 2025

From being a scared freshman not knowing anything about college or life to becoming a senior about to graduate, my time being part of Lancer Media Group (LMG) has come to an end. I still remember being a freshman exploring the halls of James to now being the photo editor for The Banner. 

LMG has genuinely been a double-edged sword. I remember all the fun things I have been able to shoot, from being on the floor of Midnight Madness to shooting on the Fortuna Bowl sidelines, and even shooting on the sidelines at basketball games. 

I remember all the fun trips I could go on because of LMG-New York, Minnesota and even New Orleans. All the skills i gained from those workshops have helped me so much. I also remember all the long nights I had helping out all the publications from Angelos to Pursuit, and, yes, even The Banner. I just want to thank all our faculty who have helped grow me into the person I am.

Thank you Sonya Singh, who helped get me plugged into publication when I first started. Thank you Dr. Mary Ann Pearson for always encouraging us to continue to grow not only as journalists but also as people. 

To Professor Jim Veneman, you have helped me grow as a photographer and a Christian. You have always been there for me in my highs and lows. I would not be the person I am today without you in my life. I would also like to say thank you to my photo team. You guys have been outstanding; there would be no pictures in any of the publications without you guys.

Finally, I would like to say thank you to my annoying but great editor-in-chief of The Banner. She has constantly pushed me to make The Banner different than it has ever been before. She let me try a lot of crazy ideas that turned out better than we both thought and always trusted me to make sure everything was turned in and that all the pictures were captioned and placed. I never wanted to disappoint her.

Lastly, I would like to say thank you to all the readers. I hope you have enjoyed the paper and my time as the photo editor. I wanted to make a very photo-heavy, visual paper, and I hope you guys have enjoyed it. I also wanted to thank everyone who let me interview them and take their pictures. 

For anyone thinking about joining LMG, I will say it will be one of the most fun and tiring experiences of your life. If I did not join LMG, I would not have been able to get the full experience CBU offers. There will be a lot of long nights, but I promise that when you see your work published, it will be worth it.

This concludes my seventh and last article ever for The Banner. I would live to give a special shout-out to Emily for making me write this. 

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