January 21, 2025

When graduating high school, students are eager to jump feet-first into college, knowing they can finally focus on a subject they are interested in pursuing.

However, when registering for classes, they seem shocked that they have to take general education classes.

Many college students question general education because they cannot find a purpose in learning a subject they will not have to use in their career.

Yes, general education requires more time and money, but isn’t college about becoming a more well-rounded and globally minded person?

College usually includes about two years of general education and two years of a chosen major’s education.

When it is time to graduate, students receive a degree in a specific field, but what students fail to recognize is that their diploma is attributed to both their major and general education.

The process of getting a degree means becoming aware of the world you live in, which includes aspects of the world not specifically tackled within your chosen major.

Let’s face it: We all have had a class in which we did not have much interest. Why take a math class when you are studying English?

General education classes give students a chance to broaden their knowledge and awareness of the world.

An English major may look back one day and be grateful for that math class they took that is now helping them calculate their taxes.

Sure, general education classes may not be appreci- ated in the moment, but that is what students sign up for when they attend college.

If people had knowledge only of a single subject, society would be very singular. It is important for citizens, especially college students, to be aware of the world around where they live.

Society functions when members of the community come together and thrive. This happens when people are aware of and appreciate one another; therefore, students in college should recognize the positive impact GEs have on their education.

Two years of general education is not a waste of your time; it will make the most of your college education.

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