Students at California Baptist University have the opportunity to take their studies overseas and study abroad to receive academic credit.
Students can study in countries around the world for up to a year through many study abroad programs. Not only can students earn college credit, but they can also expand their knowledge of learning about other cultures.
Michael Osadchuk, coordinator of the Academic Success Center, said he notices many students study abroad to travel and see the world.
“Why I think students are drawn to study abroad is because study abroad is not a vacation travel experience. it is a cultural immersion travel experience,” Osadchuk said.
Osadchuk said because of the length of time students are able to be immersed in a culture, they not only have the opportunity to live in a different culture, but truly experience and learn from it.
When signing up, students are able to pick courses that can transfer back to CBU and can fulfill degree requirements.
“The courses that they are taking abroad are pre-approved to transfer back to CBU,” Osadchuk said.
Although studying abroad is something many deem a worthy experience, it does come at a price. The total cost can cover everything from university expenses to housing.
Shelly Schoenstein, junior early childhood studies major, is currently in the study abroad program in Florence, Italy.
Schoenstein said she chose to study abroad because at the age of 22 she knew it was the perfect time to travel and see the world.
“Opportunities like this don’t always come around and I knew I would regret it if I didn’t do it,” Schoenstein said in an email.
Schoenstein said one reason she chose Italy as her study program location was the food.
“If you want food that is fresh and something you’ve never tasted before, then Italy is your place,” Schoenstein said.
Aside from the food, Schoesntein said she greatly enjoys the culture Italy has to offer.
Kelly Airola, sophomore business major, has applied to study in Prague, Czech Republic, and is already looking forward to what the program and the country have to offer.
“I wanted to study abroad growing up because I know I am never going to get an experience like that again,” Airola said.
Airola said she chose Prague because she was drawn to how different it was from other cities. She said she is mostly looking forward to establishing friendships with others around America and the rest of the world while studying abroad.
Anyone who is interested in the study abroad program at CBU can attend a study abroad session or contact Michael Osadchuk or Dr. Jeff Barnes in the Academic Success Center.