January 21, 2025

During this upcoming election, celebrities have been using their platform to encourage fans to vote, and although this could have a positive influence, celebrities may have some biases that could create potential problems.

Campaigns such as #rockthevote and #runwaytoregister are examples of these endorsements. Celebrities like model Kendall Jenner, singers Alicia Keys and Katy Perry and actor Dwayne Johnson are all using their social platforms to not only encourage Millennials to register, but to also encourage them to be active in the world of politics.

Adrianne Canady, sophomore marketing major, is a registered voter and said she believes celebrity endorsement is a great way to encourage young people to register and vote.

“It’s a necessary thing for celebrities to use their platform to speak out on political issues,” Canady said.

“They have a huge impact on encouraging Americans, especially Millennials, to get out and exercise their legal privileges to vote. If they ignore the impact they have, they are ignoring being a part of the solution of the problem of political apathy in our nation today.”

At least partly influenced by personal politics, Canady said celebrities were not the main encourager, but rather what is posted on social media.

“I wouldn’t say celebrities encouraged me entirely, but the things I see on social media do impact me,” Canady said.

However, if celebrities’ main form of communication is through social media like Instagram or Twitter, the media they share with their followers has to be somewhat biased. The important part of elections is to create an informed opinion, despite what Jenner or The Rock have to say.

Anthony Abreu, sophomore behavioral science major, has not yet registered to vote, but said he believes it is important to stay informed.

“It’s beneficial to use the influence celebrities have to encourage people to take advantage of their right to vote,” Abreu said. “It gets a bit more complicated when they start to tell you for whom to vote.”

Abreu said there is positive intention in celebrities encouraging young people to vote, but it is important to not let them sway the opinions students should be making for themselves when it comes to politics.

Celebrities are using their platform to inform Americans of their constitutional right to have a say in the future of America, regardless of  their own personal bias.

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