January 21, 2025

Create event encourages students to get involved on campus.

Students were able to express their artistic creative ways in the Community Life Lounge while meeting new people at the Comm Life Creative event March 27 at California Baptist University.

Activities at this event  included hand lettering, watercolor painting, card making, canvas crafting, and 3D modeling.

The Comm Life Office put together this event to help students who are interested in art get introduced to  student life and activities  on campus.

Danielle Lutjens | CBU Banner

Micah Wong, junior graphic design major and Comm Life intern, served as one of the lead organizers for the Community Creative event.

Wong wanted this event to be an environment in which students could create in many different facets while interacting with one another.

“We really wanted it to be for people who may not be as involved with Community Life,” Wong said, “especially (for them) to be able to do something that (they) are  passionate about.”

The Community Lounge area is a place where students can work on homework,  relax, socialize with each other and become more involved in  activities and events at CBU.

“We also wanted to have an event that opens up the lounge area and introduces this area and what we do,” Wong said. “We really wanted this to be an opportunity to meet other people.”

Mallory Cheatham, junior graphic design and visual experience major and Comm Life intern, also served as one of the planners of the event.

Cheatham said the purpose of this event was not isolated to just artistic, creative people but it was also for shy people and people who like to do artistic things and for people who want to participate in a more  laid-back event.

“People who like to paint or do not even know what they are doing artistically could have had a really chill time to hang out in the lounge,” Cheatham said. “We wanted to have a really laid-back environment where people could just come in and express themselves.”

Jessica Sanchez, freshman business administration major, said she thought  the event was a great way for students to start participating in school activities by starting at a  smaller level.

“I do not go to many events,” Sanchez said, “but this event helps because I am with a small community socializing with people in comparison to being around an event that involves the entire school.”

Open Mic Night, Comm Life’s next event showcasing CBU student talent, will be held at the Comm Life lounge April 13 from 6-8 p.m.

Comm Life will also be hosting Lancer Takeover on April 20 at Castle Park to  celebrate the end of the 2017-2018 school year.

A full list of events and more information on the lounge can be found on the Life @ CBU tab in InsideCBU.

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