February 23, 2025

Leadership opportunities at California Baptist University are highly sought after positions. Not only do they provide students with the ability to gain valuable experience, they also provide ways to serve the Lord and bring his purposes to life on campus.

Sitting across from a friend of mine in a coffee shop last week, I noticed her working away furiously on her leadership application. She wondered how best to articulate her desire to be in leadership, and how to address all her motives to serve CBU in this position.

This led to a discussion about how best to make oneself stand out in what always turns out to be a competitive process between enthusiastic applicants.

It becomes easy to realize how unique the leadership opportunities at CBU are, and all the factors that make these positions so adamantly sought after.

Of course, the idea of having responsibilities and status among peers at any school sounds appealing. Other perks of a leadership position are the waived housing fee for those who attain the position of resident advisor.

Despite the surface appeal and general benefits, students seem to adhere to other motives when applying for leadership roles. This only heightens the excitement and competition of leadership competition. These motives allow for more successful leadership roles as well as an overall uplifting atmosphere on campus.

The central emphasis at this university is Christ and his gospel. Students are encouraged to keep him as the focus of all activities as we learn to “live our purpose” together.

This focus bleeds into everything attempted at CBU, and is especially emphasized in all positions of leadership.

Students in leadership at the university have a unique opportunity, not only to improve upon the school itself, but also to engage with other students and make Christ’s love known in direct ways.

Rather than viewing a position as a status symbol, a large portion of students apply for leadership out of benevolent love for the Lord and a desire to see others grow closer to him.

An important thing to remember when applying for leadership, or advising someone who is applying, is to have a clear focus as to why one is pursuing the position.

If Christ is kept as the center of one’s concern, emphasize that fact in an application. Once this focus is determined, consider which position can be best improved upon by one’s involvement. The student must be able to articulate what ideas or skills can be used in that position.

It comes as quite the encouragement that students at CBU are committed to Christ and show enthusiasm for his kingdom by emphatically striving for leadership positions.

The Lord’s purposes becomes more readily achieved on this campus when interest in service delves deep beyond the pleasure of status.

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