January 21, 2025

Danae Lane, senior communication disorders major, touches up her makeup during intermission of the current play, ‘Songs for a New World.’

Matthew Swope | Banner

David Rodriguez, waterpolo utility position and senior pre-physical therapy major, passes the ball to his teammate during a home game this season.

Jessica Bills | Banner

Through the hustle and bustle between classes, students, professors and other coffee drinkers can be seen wandering in and out of café Wanda’s for speedily – made food and beverages. 

Jessica Bills| Banner

Rachel Valcarcel, junior music composition major and commuter student, uses a break in her schedule to catch up on homework.

Fletcher Perkins | Banner

Basil Ike, senior biology major, readies his whistle to officiate an afternoon Recreational Sports football game on the front lawn.

Jessica Bills | Banner

Danae Lane, senior communication disorders major, touches up her makeup during intermission of the current play, ‘Songs for a New World.’

Fletcher Perkins | Banner

Justine Liu practices her harp in preparation for the orchestral recording of the University Choir and Orchestra Christmas album. The orchestra records their performance tracks separately to provide music for the vocal recording that happens in the following days.

Jessica Bills | Banner

Nestled in the bushes behind the Annie Gabriel Library, one of the campus cats, Oreo, can be found watching students as they scurry to class. 

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