January 21, 2025

Smith vs. Smith, a competition between the freshman dorms of California Baptist and Azusa Pacific universities, has become an honored tradition at both schools.

Freshmen from the Smith halls at both universities participate in five events – dodgeball, Buck Buck, Super Smash Brothers, spikeball and soccer – for glory and prestige, but mainly bragging rights.

CBU’s freshmen beat APU for the first time last year on APU’s home turf. This year’s freshmen have a lot to live up to, but said they are feeling hopeful.

“We have a lot of athletes,” said Danny King, freshman accounting major. “I was blown away by the talent we have in the different sports.”

The freshmen are not the only ones feeling confident this year. The Smith Hall resident advisors also have a good feeling about CBU’s chances in this year’s competition.

“The guys are more faithful this year and more willing to practice,” said Ryan Perez, junior exercise science major. “We’ve definitely practiced a lot more than in years past.”

Perez said they hold hour-long practices for each event multiple times a week, where they spend time practicing each sport individually and strategizing tactics for when they face the opposing Smith Hall.

Chuck Hewitt, graduate student in the sports management program, offered a unique perspective on the competition. Hewitt attended APU for his undergraduate degree but now attends CBU. He was a participant in the first Smith vs. Smith and has seen the games evolve.

“The hype leading up to the event has increased,” Hewitt said. “Freshmen have an incredible amount of energy and passion for their halls and their school, and it is fun repping your school at your rival school in a crazy, fun way.”

Hewitt explained that even though it is not a collegiate sport, it is always the major event of the year for Smith Hall. It is a great opportunity for the young men to compete in a healthy environment and earn a trophy as their reward.

While Hewitt admitted that he still roots for APU, he said from the hours of practice the men of Smith Hall have been putting in, it looks like there may be a second victory in CBU’s future.

Smith vs. Smith will take place on Saturday, Feb. 22, at 10 a.m. on the front lawn of CBU.

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