February 5, 2025

A new romantic comedy starring Zac Efron, Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan has put a new twist on the classic story of dating, relationships and falling in love when it is least expected.

Switching up the traditional romantic comedy format, “That Awkward Moment”  tells the story from a male’s perspective. The movie follows three male best friends as they vow to stay single and fail miserably. A romantic comedy told from this point of view has been long overdue.

Daniel, played by Teller, and Jason, played by Efron, are two single bachelors who want nothing to do with girlfriends. Mikey, played by Jordan, is  a soon-to-be divorcee because his wife was cheating on him with their lawyer.

After Mikey finds out that his wife had been unfaithful, the two other friends, Jason and Daniel, decide to stay single in support of their friend. The two friends begin dating women and end up finding out that it is much harder to stay single than they thought.

The idea of the film was original and clever, yet the content was not. The story was just like any other romantic comedy except the roles were flipped, with the main characters being males instead of females.

The film was predictable and even cliche, with the same basic plot that forms the basis of any other romantic comedy. Despite its occasionally funny moments, the dialogue seemed too scripted and unnatural.

It shows three bachelors who bounce around from relationship to relationship because the second something goes wrong they bail out instead of working it out with their girlfriends. In that sense, the film was unrealistic, giving the audience the false idea that relationships should always be easy and everything will always be OK. In reality, relationships have highs and lows and the two people involved should stick together.

“That Awkward Moment” is not a film that has a deep and meaningful message. It has a fun and playful feel to it like any other romantic comedy.

The film does have its humorous moments, but overall, the film was disappointing. With its A-list cast, one would expect the movie to be better than what it turned out to be.

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