February 23, 2025

The number of on-campus motor vehicle thefts increased from zero to three in 2009, as found in California Baptist University’s annual crime and safety report released earlier this month.

This is a slight increase from 2008, however it is consistent with the number from 2007.

“Motor vehicle theft is a very fluid crime, the fact that there were none last year just means that is was a good year but things will always average out over a longer period of time,” Director of Public Safety, Jim Walters, said.

The report for the 2009 calendar year, released on Oct. 1, includes crime statistics from CBU’s main campus and San Bernardino campus, as well as a disclosure of public safety policies and statistics regarding fires on or around campus.

The report also notes a decrease in on-campus liquor law violations in 2009. Walters said that this too is a crime that tends to average out. He attributes last year’s spike to one particular event, at which many people were caught drinking.

There are two major structural differences in the reports from 2008 and 2009. The first is the expanded number of hate crime categories and the second is the increased number of categories regarding fire information, due to new mandates. According to Public Safety’s annual report, neither category had any on-campus incidents in 2009.

The report breaks up crime statistics, including crimes that occurred in on-campus living areas, crimes that occurred in other areas on campus and incidences that involved public property around campus.

Walters assembles the report every year and said it takes about 20 to 30 “man-hours” to put it together.

Walters stressed that one serious number that needs to be taken note of is the campus’ first forcible sex offense in a few years.

This crime occurred in campus housing and Walters said that there was alcohol consumption involved.

He stressed that the crime was not “stranger rape,” but was considered assault because the woman “could not give consent.” Walters urged students to remember that they have the control to protect themselves against individuals who are not strangers.

Walters mentioned that CBU is generally a safe campus, but it takes everyone doing their part to keep it that way.

“Public safety, the campus and the community all have a role in keeping the campus safe, and if not everyone does their part CBU could become a shopping mall,” Walters said.

He stressed that students need to “take particular precautions to protect their bubble.” This means that students, staff and faculty need to do what they can to keep themselves safe.

He also urged students not make themselves a target; to lock their doors and to never leave purses, computers or other valuables unattended.

Above all, the Public Safety department wants people to feel safe on campus. However, it is also important for students not to let their guard down.

To see the full report go to calbaptist.edu/safety and click on the link provided.
