Most everyone has plans and goals set for themselves, whether it is a one-year, five-year or 10- year plan.
Some students enter California Baptist University with a plan of graduating in four years, followed by graduate school. Others come in undecid- ed and they test the water until they find what career they want to pursue.
What most students realize is plans do not always become real- ity. A student’s stay at CBU ex- poses them to different roads he or she can take, which can lead to new plans or career extensions.
Super seniors, students who have chosen to complete a fifth year, often have gone down the road of changing majors in the middle of their original plans. For instance, there are many routes to be taken in the Political Science field.
“I was a Political Science major and wanted to peruse a job in the government,” Kathryn Tallo said. “I added Criminal Justice later because Political Science was a small major and I had the choice of either taking a bunch of random classes or double-majoring.”
Super Seniors chose to stay an extra year to complete their major, add a minor or further their education.
“I started with Business and switched to Marketing because it’s a more specific major and not as broad. Then, I realized I wanted to be an event coordinator,” Carly Walters said.
Four years passes by quickly, but not everyone is ready to accept a diploma.
“When I first came to CBU, I knew I wanted to do something in health science. After a few semesters of nursing, I found out it wasn’t for me. I then changed to Kinesiology,” Arron Bethel said.
College need not be rushed. Obtaining the right career will make an education worthwhile. It is also when unforgettable memories are made.
“I have time to study and I can focus 100 percent on my studies. It’s different because I feel like I’m older than everyone here. It gives me more time to prepare for the real world,” Walters said.
When students leave CBU, the certainty in leaving with his or her desired degree and wonderful, unforgettable memories is priceless.
“Take one class every summer to make sure you stay in your plan, but if you need to take extra classes, it’s best to add a minor or second major,” Tallo said.
In learning from these Super Seniors, focus on what you want to do, no matter how long it takes. Also, remember that these steps are what will help you obtain your dream job.
“Whatever you do, keep it on the same field. You can always come back when doing your Master’s,” Bethel said.