January 24, 2025

California Baptist University’s dedication to the Great Commission was put into action again this summer as the Office of Mobilization organized and sent out a total of 46 teams to 20 different countries.

Since 1997 teams made up of students and faculty within the university have ventured out across the nations. This year was no different, with a record 422 students and faculty participating in Summer of Service, United States Projects and International Service Projects.

“This was a great year; we obviously saw a lot of growth,” said Jared Dobbins, assistant director of Global Mobilization. “What was really cool was the spiritual growth and maturity of the participants.”

For the first time the MOB team organized two disaster relief teams, which served in the United States and in Japan. These teams received extra training through the disaster-relief efforts of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Several ISP records were broken this year with an all-time high of seven teams traveling to South Asia.

This year also saw the most nursing teams to ever be sent out, with three teams serving throughout South Asia.

The growth seen by the Office of Mobilization was not limited to team participants. Teams from South and Southeast Asia in particular developed and grew relationships on the field providing them with the opportunity to witness people coming to faith.

All together more than 100 people who interacted with USP, ISP and SOS participants came to know Christ.

“You always send teams hoping that they get the chance to share the gospel, but for the most part these are locations where typically it takes longer to build relationships and share the gospel,” Dobbins said.

“This year was a phenomenal year for our program. It was great to see how faithful the Father is in continuing to use our students, staff, faculty and alumni to make his name known among the nations,” said Adam Cook, Office of Mobilization logistics coordinator.

With all of the 2012 teams returned safely, the Office of Mobilization is already looking toward the next round of participants.

“Each year, getting to watch new participants and returners alike grow in their understanding of our role in the Great Commission and see that put into practice on the field is not only a testimony to how great of a God we serve, but of what a blessing it is to be a part of this program and this university” Cook said.

Students who participated on USP, ISP and SOS teams over the course of 2012 are invited to “Renew” on Sept. 15. This event is put on by the MOB staff and is a time for returners to be reunited with their teams, debrief from the field, and share stories as well as apply for upcoming teams. Renew will be held in the Copenbarger Presidential Dining Room from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Students interested in participating in this year’s service projects can access team previews and applications at www. calbaptist.edu/goisp.

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