December 8, 2024

One week out of every year is nationally set aside to recognize tutoring.

The National Tutors Association designates Oct. 1-5 to appreciate the work of tutors helping students succeed. The work never stops for tutors at California Baptist University.

“One of reasons that I tutor is that I love to coach and I love teaching,” said Kim Latschaw, senior biology major.

“One of the best parts about tutoring is that if you can explain something to someone else so well, you reiterate how well you understand it.”

At the end of this year, Latschaw said she hopes to take the Medical Col- lege Admission Test, which is the first step to get into medical school.

“I aspire to be a great doctor someday, to be a great surgeon,” Latschaw said.

In addition to being a tutor, Latschaw is a water polo player, and her days are filled with running from practice to helping students.

“I come in and I have a tutee, and if I have not tutored them before, they give me a look that says, ‘You’re my tutor?’” Latschaw said.

All that is needed to become a tutor is a “B” or better grade in specific classes, and an application to the ARC in the beginning weeks of school.

Jonathan Fanning is a math tutor who started in 2009, and received his undergraduate math degree in May.

Fanning is working on his master’s degree in education and hopes to teach high school level classes.

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