January 18, 2025

Joining one of California Baptist University’s on-campus clubs allows students to get more involved, meet new people, make professional networking connections and add experience to their future resume.

Being in a club offers ample opportunities to the students who choose to get involved.

With more than 25 clubs on campus and a variety of new ones, they offer more variety opportunities for students to get more involved on campus and also with something they personally enjoy.

From anthropology to construction management to a new dance club, CBU has a wide variety of different options for students.

One of the new clubs on campus this year, Preconception Peer Educators, is an organization backed by the Institute of Minority Health that promotes the issues of infant mortality in the United States. Both the club and institute are working closely together in order to rise awareness.

“We highlight the issues what we can do at a young age to stay healthy and to keep our babies healthy,” said Karen Hutchinson, senior nursing major and president of the club.

This club works to coach young adult women on healthy habits to maintain that in return are beneficial to their future children.

Members are able to earn internship hours from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health and California Department of Public Health.

“Like the new degree being offered on campus, there is now a construction management club,” said Ryan Kahrs, junior construction management major.

“The new club is on the list to get their National Association of Home Builders affiliation so that they can do sponsored events for non-profit organizations for the community and on campus,” he added.

Like many other students beginning new clubs on campus, Kahrs has been dedicating his time to not only promoting it but, as well, providing the students with valuable information and experience from being a part of the club.

Also joining the list of CBU clubs is “A Time for Dancing: CBU Dance Club.”

The organization is currently taking dancers of all levels and experiences and and those persons who perform as many styles of dance as it can.

Unlike any other club on campus, the new dance club is different from any other on campus and allows for students who are passionate about dancing to come together and practice their passion and skill.

“Personally, I think joining clubs is a great way to get to know people outside of the classroom, everybody has a common ground in a club and you get to experience something that you never have before,” said Rachael Marquis, freshman business administration major and member of the new dance club.

For further information on clubs on campus, visit https://insidecbu.calbaptist.edu/ICS/Campus_Life/Campus_Activities/.

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