California Baptist University hosted the annual campus Christmas party Dec. 6 — complete with hot chocolate, snow sledding, cookies to decorate and cupcakes to enjoy. Students had fun as they roamed about the wintery wonderland. CBU convinced students once again that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.
Members of the Associated Students of California Baptist University went above and beyond at this year’s Christmas tree party/lighting. When guests arrived, they were treated to hot chocolate, eggnog and apple cider as well as holiday music, cupcakes and churros.
Dr. Robert L. Ellis, CBU president, read the Christmas story, which ended with the lighting of the Christmas tree.
Snow was also brought to Southern California and dropped right on the front lawn.
Shortly after the lighting of the Christmas tree, the snow zone opened. Snow was flying in all directions as students had snowball fights.
Fabrice Ntwali, freshman civil engineering major from Rwanda, got to experience snow for the first time.
“It never snows in Africa. It was a fun experience but wasn’t as I imagined,” Ntwali said.
Although snow was one of the biggest showstoppers at the party, other activities such as cookie-decorating, a photo booth and a live band kept the crowd entertained.
Megan Adams, sophomore English major, who attended this annual celebration for the second time said she enjoyed the cookie-decorating.
“They didn’t have it last year, and I really liked having it,” Adams said.
As the whole lawn was packed with different activities, Dante Kari, freshman sociology major and ASCBU representative, manned the cupcake stand.
Kari, whose duties involve getting feedback from the freshman class and trying to make improvements, shared one of the reasons he appreciates CBU.
“Everyone is nice because of the Holy Spirit that is in our lives,” Kari said. “I feel like I can talk to anyone here.”
Kari even referred to himself as the “cupcake commander” since he was in charge of watching over the cupcakes.
Alex Wright, senior Christian studies major and ASCBU president, had much to say about Thursday night’s party.
“A lot of students, families and faculty got to celebrate Christmas in a fun and chill way,” Wright said.
With so many different activities happening at once, Wright also said his favorite part of the night was “watching everyone swarm to the snow area when they realized it was open and seeing the snowball fights.”
Since this is Wright’s last year as a CBU student, he said that he liked that everything was more spread out this year, and there was nothing planned that would make people feel left out.
Wright said he looks forward to coming back next year to see what improvements will be added.