February 23, 2025

With enrollment rising and many new students entering California Baptist University each new school year, the Office of Residence Life will be providing new living options for fall 2014.

Carson Belmont, housing services coordinator for Residence Life, said the new living area will be the former San Carlos apartments located between the campus post office and the Village Apartments. These apartments will be open to sophomores, juniors and seniors, and students are able to sign up for them now.

“San Carlos will be renamed for the fall,” Belmont said. “They are getting renovated this summer and will be ready come next fall.”

With 88 new apartments available, students have the choice of apartments that are one-bedroom for two people, two-bedroom for three people or two-bedroom for four people.

There was speculation of a change in married and graduate living, but Belmont said they will continue to be housed in Lancer Arms and nothing is changing at this point.

“We are no longer taking married or graduate (housing) applications, so we do not have any new graduate or married couples moving into Lancer Arms,” Belmont said. “But the ones who are there now will be staying.”

Katie Liddell, sophomore kinesiology major, will be serving as a resident adviser in San Carlos. Along with the other RAs, Liddell said she cannot wait to serve in the new apartments.

“We will be living in San Carlos when it is finished being refurbished,” Liddell said. “I know for sure that it will be upperclassmen.”

Belmont said the new living areas have been filling up quickly since students are getting excited about having a new option.

“San Carlos is in a prime location and they’re great apartments,” Liddell said. “What more could a college student want? We have a great staff being built, so that will definitely add to the fun and uplifting atmosphere.”

Students can apply to live on campus in the office of Residence life. Officials said they will do the best they can to ensure that students living arrangements are as comfortable as possible.

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