Melanie Overton, junior Christian behavioral science major, stars in “The Spit- fire Grill” as Percy Talbott. Courtesy of CBU Theatre
The Wallace Book of Life Theatre will present its first show this fall, “The Spitfire Grill,” on Oct. 10.
Melanie Overton, junior Christian behavioral science major, stars as the main character, Percy Talbott.
“Percy is a young woman with a lot of edge and a sort of dry sense of humor,” Overton said. She is searching for love and acceptance while seeking change in her town, Overton added.
Percy Talbott has spent the last five years in prison. She is now looking for a new beginning in Wisconsin. Percy is trying to fall off the map and live the life she wanted to live but could not while in jail.
She brings a lot of baggage to Wisconsin and notices the town is just as broken as she is. Talbott is in a vital stage in her life where she is healing from her past, and through this she feels a calling to help her town also become alive again.
Overton auditioned for the role of Percy Talbott during the first two days of classes, and started rehearsals in the first week of school. To prepare for this role, Overton constantly reads over her script to get into character. Overton said she does the best she can to see beneath the text in order to fully step into the shoes of Percy Talbott and build her character from the ground up.