When graduating high school, students are eager to jump feet-first into college, knowing they...
Day: March 6, 2015
At California Baptist University water can be found almost anywhere and everywhere, and despite...
Movie goers gathered March 1 to watch three Jewish films and experience the culture...
As a U.S. Air Force veteran, father of four, man of God and trustee...
Riverside City Council named John Russo, former city manager of Alameda, California, as the...
The “Core 4” student learning outcomes are clear goals for professors and students alike...
After a car accident five years ago caused a traumatic brain injury and numerous...
The California Baptist University baseball team took on the No. 9-ranked California State Polytechnic...
Pipettes placed in a beaker sat beside a bamboo tree. An “I ‘heart’ biology”...
The men’s volleyball and women’s water polo teams at California Baptist University regularly compete...
Christian hip-hop artist and author Trip Lee performed Feb. 24 at California Baptist University’s...
In the 2013-2014 season, Kamille Diaz started in all 28 games, which ultimately led...
California Baptist University seeks to incorporate faith in different tenets of its mission, such...
Student commencement auditions were held March 3 and 4 at California Baptist University, and...
Across the many disciplines at California Baptist University, students have the opportunity to develop...
As the month of February came to a close, California Baptist University honored Black...
In 2012, Jarrod Olson was welcomed to California Baptist University as the 10th head...
“Kushi” was not Janice Sandra Jones’ real name. But in some ways, it was...