February 6, 2025

Of millions of names, each name can be chosen with a purpose, to represent a person for the entirety of his or her life.

Some names are “unique” that there is only one on campus.

Unique Ruiz, junior criminal justice major, suprises people with her uncommon name and said most people’s first instinct is to joke about how “unique” her name is.

“I just laugh awkwardly, as if I’ve never heard that before,” Ruiz said.

Ruiz said she was originally supposed to be named Victoria, but when her mom heard of the name Unique she loved the meaning and it replaced the name Victoria, immediately.

With such an uncommon name, Ruiz said she uses a pseudonym when ordering

“Since there seems to be a difficulty spelling and pronouncing my name, my Starbucks name is Nikki; it’s an easier alternative to Unique,” Ruiz said.

Amanda Lynne Aguas, junior communication studies major, has a common name at first glance, but the play on words has a far deeper meaning to her father. Aguas’ father is a musician who has always been greatly influenced by his love for music.

“When he was in eighth grade, he heard the song “Amanda” by Boston,” Aguas said. “He knew he would have a daughter named Amanda one day.”

Her father found it fitting to name her Amanda Lynne, after a mandolin, which he plays.

Charity Sando, sophomore communication disorders major, has an uncommon name which generally means an organization helping those in need. However, in the
traditional sense, charity means goodwill to  humanity or giving  help to those in need.

“My parents were unsure if God would ever allow them to have children,” Sando said. “So when I came along it was a little miracle.”

Sando said her parents chose the name Charity for her because they believe she was God’s gift to them and they wanted to remember his gift.

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