February 6, 2025

Drake is continuing his success after his “Views” album release, which according to Billboard has not left the Top-5 listings of the “Billboard 200” chart since its April 26 release.

During his “Summer Sixteen Tour,” Drake first hinted at a new mixtape to his Kansas City crowd. After the news went viral, fans and music news outlets began buzzing to figure out more information. Unfortunately, the initial Dec. 3 release date has since been denied by the rapper, after Drake himself commented on social media pertaining to his music, which now leaves fans anxiously waiting.

With only cryptic social media comments and concert shout-outs to go off of, fans have enjoyed making their own assumptions of what the mixtape may include. Brenna Ransom, sophomore psychology major, said she is hoping to see other well-known artists within the “More Life” mixtape.

“I really want Kanye to be featured,” Ransom said. “They had been talking about it and ideas had been circulating, so hopefully they do collaborate.”

Even with no official mixtape released, Drake has teased some songs, such as “Two Birds, One Stone” and “Fake Love,” to keep the fire of excitement lit within fans.

On the contrary, Kenyce Lytle, sophomore psychology major, would prefer an album in its entirety.

“I would rather just have a whole album than have a few songs here and there,” Lytle said. “It’s unnecessary to be constantly putting songs out. It doesn’t leave time to want new music.”

Though there are varying opinions on Drake’s music release approach, there is no doubt his popularity still stands strong.

Sarilla Kelly, sophomore psychology major, said although there might have been drama with him along the way, she cares more about him as an artist and as a rapper than his personal life.

“Drake is unpredictable to me, but I’m looking for something I can relate to,” she said. “I have listened to Drake since the beginning of his career. …(I) can’t wait to see what he does next.”

It can come as no surprise Drake is becoming secretive of the release of “More Life.” Possibly following along the footsteps of other popular artists such as Beyonce and Frank Ocean in the unexpected album release approach, Drake might drop his new mixtape when fans and critics are least expecting it.

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