A time for wooing and impressing is now just a thing of the past. A moment that we hopefully see in our future.
Woo Fest is traditionally held in Feburary every year and is hosted by California Baptist University’s Residence Life staff.
What started as a small event in 2009 inside the Alumni Dining Commons has now become a packed house full of students at Riverside’s Fox Theatre for the thirteenth year in a row.
Hundreds of students sit in awe of their male classmates as they perform dances and entertaining acts to win over their hearts.
As this ongoing tradition has become a favorite event for many students, it is considered one of the highlights of the year at CBU for many.
Although Woo Fest may not be around this semester, students can look forward to the possibility of a reunion in future semesters.
One of California Baptist University’s favorite events was not held this spring due to COVID-19 despite many hopeful students waiting in anticipation of a semi-normal school experience.
Unfortunately, due to another semester of online classes Woo Fest was among many other annual events that were not able to happen.
Brock Mickley, senior business administration major and resident advisor, spoke on the importance of the event.
“The original point of the event was to give guys the opportunity to “woo” the ladies, but it is entertaining for anybody who attends,” Mickley said. “It gives us an excuse to dress up and go hang out with friends and watch our peers show off their talents, comedy, or whatever else.”
With the cancellations of in-person learning also came the cancellations of many of California Baptist University student’s favorite events including Midnight Madness, The Festival of Colors and most recently—Woo Fest.
Phillip Cuneo, sophomore health science major, discussed why he loved going to Woo Fest his freshman year.
“I loved how the acts were all good and how everyone was so supportive,” Cueno said.
Cueno also said he is anticipating when events such as Woo Fest come back to campus life.
“We are all looking forward to when the events come back,” Cueno said.
While some students look at how the pandemic has affected this school year negatively, some are grateful for the little things.
Ramah Shirey, junior worship arts and ministry major elaborated on her gratitude.
“It has been a huge blessing for me to be on campus this year, but it does feel weird without all the fun events that normally take place,” Shirey said.
As CBU considers the future, in-person classes are scheduled to resume in the Fall of 2021. Along with in person classes there are hopes of the continuation of safe events for students.