- Rit-Dye (any color)
- Seafoam
- Hot boiled water
- Paper towels
- Bucket
- Dish soap
- Gloves
- White Shoes
- Vaseline/painter’s tape
Step 1: Prepare the shoes by removing any part of the shoes you do not want to get dyed, such as the shoe’s insole or the shoelaces.
Step 2: Prep the water by heating the water (3 gallons) to a boil, then pour it into a heat-safe container. Add one teaspoon of dish soap to the water, then add your color. To test color, dip the paper towel in the water and then pull out to see the color.
Step 3: Put shoes in the mixture. They will float at first, so let the air escape from the shoes before continuing. Set a 30-1 hour timer and submerge. Return periodically to stir.
Step 4: Once your shoes are the desired color, take them out of the bath, rinse, and leave them outside to dry. Once dry, you can wash them. Keep them with like colors in case of accidental staining.