The Mobilization Office at California Baptist University has chosen the theme “Seek” for 2016 International Service Projects and United States Projects.
These projects send students and leaders around the globe to serve by bringing different talents and abilities, along with the hope of the gospel.
The Mobilization Office staff chose the theme “Seek” to focus on God’s glory and to share the love of Christ through their service.
“Every year we look at something we can set as our challenge and we thought that this would be a good one,” said Aura Opris, mobilization coordinator. “Seeking the Lord first in what we do and taking our focus off of ourselves, our own needs and desires and looking to see how God may guide us.
Opris said as students are placed on teams, God will use their gifts and their talents to serve other people and the MOB office works to see how they can incorporate the talents she believes God has given them with the available opportunities.
During the weekly training sessions in spring, teams will have designated training and team bonding times to prepare them for their service projects.
Opris said teams will be studying Colossians, chapter 3, learning to seek God first. The “Seek” theme is ultimately about serving the Lord and sharing his love, she said.
“I think the ‘Seek’ theme encourages students to seek the Lord and seek his purpose, not only for their lives as individuals but for the world,” said Lisa Cross, graduate student and assistant for Compassion Ministries on campus
This year’s theme is a way for students to put God first in everything they do and explore new opportunities.
In December, students will be placed on teams and they will begin their journey of seeking after the Lord.