February 23, 2025

Though gas prices are not as high as they were a year or two ago, they are still causing commuting students, as well as students who live on campus, to try to save on gasoline costs in every way possible.

Students are always willing to explore different methodologies to increase fuel efficiency. Simply easing off the gas pedal while driving, coasting as much as possible and using cruise control on the freeway will positively affect your car’s gas mileage.

“I really do try everything to save gas,” said Marisa Cantelli-Angle, sophomore liberal studies major. “(I’m) coming to school Monday, Wednesday and Friday and driving to school (and leaving) in the morning so I’m not freaking out to make it to class on time.”

The federal government has dedicated a website to maximizing fuel savings and keeping drivers away from the pump longer. Fueleconomy.com stresses that just driving sensibly and slowing down can increase efficiency. According to the website, drivers who drive over 50 mph are increasing their gasoline consumption by more than 10 percent.

Rustan Welch, freshman mechanical engineering major, now drives slower to increase miles per gallon.

In addition, some commuters remain on campus to conserve gas.

“I try to stay on campus as long as possible. I don’t leave for lunch and I usually get ARCO gas because of the price,” Welch said.

Thinking about when there is or is not traffic is a great place to start. Traffic causes the driver to repeatedly brake and accelerate, causing a drastic decrease in gas mileage.

Running the fan instead of the air conditioning in the summer can also cut down on gas consumption.

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